While many customers look at the price of items they purchase, their loyalty lies with the companies that offer them the best customer service. Research studies show that within two years, 81 percent of marketers will be competing based on customer experience. This can be a difficult task for companies because today’s world is so hyper-connected. This means it’s very common for consumers to move between channels daily. Since this occurs, it’s very difficult for marketers to create a unified experience for their customers.
It is very important to focus on offering great customer service. Many consumers search for that specifically. To offer great customer service, you need to fully understand what your customers want. One way to do this is by creating personas. This will help you gain an understanding of their wants, needs, and buying behaviors. A persona is a fictional customer that is created based on research. These are used to represent a user type that might purchase your product. These are often created to represent a specific segment and then their habits are analyzed. This is a great way to understand what your customers want so you can tailor your content to them and offer them the best customer service.
Customers will be impressed if they start seeing campaigns that cater directly to their needs. It will prompt them to purchase your product more. Consumers like content that is relevant to them specifically. They don’t want mass emails that don’t relate to what they need. If you can determine your customer’s needs and cater content towards them, you have a higher chance of repeating loyal customers.
Consumers want to know that you have a solid content strategy with a consistent message. You should change your tone depending on the situation and context. The tone of your content will also change depending on the emotional state of the individual you are communicating with. For example, you wouldn’t use the same tone as someone who is crying as you with an individual who is laughing. The same goes for content messages. There is not a universal tone to use it is important to cater to the situation and the individual.
Creating personalized content and offering great personalized customer service can be difficult when you have multiple target markets. Even though it may be difficult, it is so important to create personal content because 91 percent of consumers say that they are more likely to shop with brands that provide recommendations that are relevant to them. If you would like some advice on how to personalize your content and offer great customer service, Actionable Agency can help you with all of your marketing needs. We will formulate a step by step plan so it is easy to follow and implement. Contact Actionable Agency today to determine how we can help you with your content marketing strategies. Call us at (855) 206-9689.